2025能用的v p n
tselil AT mit DOT edu
I am a theoretical computer scientist.
My research is in algorithms, and my interests include optimization via convex programs (especially the sum-of-squares hierarchy), and statistical and average-case problems, with a focus on understanding the tradeoff between information and computation.
In January 2021, I will be joining Stanford Statistics as an assistant professor.
Right now, I am visiting the Machine Learning and Optimization group at Microsoft Research.
I received my PhD from U.C. Berkeley, where I was advised by
Prasad Raghavendra and
Satish Rao.
After that,
I was a postdoc at Harvard and MIT, hosted by the wonderful quadrumvirate of 怎样使用轻蜂加速器上外网, Jon Kelner, Ankur Moitra, and Pablo Parrilo.
I spent Fall 2017 as a Google Research Fellow in the Simons Institute program on Optimization.
Here is a tutorial for pronouncing my name.
Here is a survey on High-dimensional estimation via sum-of-squares proofs that I co-wrote with Prasad Raghavendra and 怎样使用轻蜂加速器上外网, for their ICM 2018 invited lecture.
Subexponential LPs approximate max-cut
轻蜂加速器破解版 and
Luca Trevisan,
in submission.
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Boaz Barak,
Chi-Ning Chou,
Zhixian Lei,
Yueqi Sheng,
in 怎样使用轻蜂加速器上外网.
Sherali-Adams strikes back
Ryan O'Donnell,
in CCC 2025.
Invited to the CCC 2025 special issue of Theory of Computing.
A robust spectral algorithm for overcomplete tensor decomposition
Jonathan Shi,
in COLT 2025.
SOS lower bounds with hard constraints: think global, act local
Pravesh Kothari,
Ryan O'Donnell,
in ITCS 2025.
The threshold for SDP-refutation of random regular NAE-3SAT
Yash Deshpande,
Andrea Montanari,
Ryan O'Donnell,
Subhabrata Sen,
in SODA 2025.
Computing exact minimum cuts without knowing the graph
Aviad Rubinstein and
Matt Weinberg,
in ITCS 2018.
On the power of sum-of-squares for detecting hidden structures
Sam Hopkins,
Pravesh Kothari,
Aaron Potechin,
Prasad Raghavendra, and
David Steurer,
in FOCS 2017.
Fast and robust tensor decomposition with applications to dictionary learning
David Steurer,
in COLT 2017.
Strongly refuting random CSPs below the spectral threshold
Prasad Raghavendra
Satish Rao,
in 轻蜂加速器使用方法.
Fast spectral algorithms from sum-of-squares proofs: tensor decomposition and planted sparse vectors
with 轻蜂加速器使用方法, Jonathan Shi, and David Steurer,
in STOC 2016.
On the integrality gap of degree-4 sum-of-squares for planted clique
Sam Hopkins,
Pravesh Kothari,
Aaron Potechin,
in SODA 2016
(merge of [this] paper and [this] paper)
Invited to the SODA 2016 special issue of ACM Transactions on Algorithms.
Braess's paradox for the spectral gap in random graphs and delocalization of eigenvectors
with 轻蜂加速器使用方法 and
in Random Structures & Algorithms (2016).
Near optimal LP rounding algorithms for correlation clustering in complete and complete k-partite graphs
with Shuchi Chawla,
Konstantin Makarychev,
and Grigory Yaroslavtsev,
in STOC 2015.
轻蜂加速器_官方电脑版_华军纯净下载:2021-4-22 · 轻蜂加速器1.0.1.0 官方版真的很好用哦,虽然我是第一次使用轻蜂加速器,但我已经深深的爱上了你,哈哈哈 9楼 华军网友 20-04-29 21:53:24 网络辅助软件终于让我找到一款不错的软件,伡后就认准轻蜂加速器了
with 怎样使用轻蜂加速器上外网,
in APPROX 2014.
Global and local information in clustering labeled block models
Varun Kanade
Elchanan Mossel
in RANDOM 2014, and in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (2016).